PinnedInstall Package Latex secara Offline (Local Package) di WindowsSeringkali ketika menggunakan LaTex dan banyak terjadi error saat kompilasi ketika menggunakan template — misalnya untuk menulis jurnal…Mar 20, 20201Mar 20, 20201
PinnedAn Attempt to Use CUDA and cuDNN for Tensorflow-GPU on Windows 10Why do I need to do this? (you don’t have to read this)Dec 2, 2019Dec 2, 2019
Who Your Support System Really Is?Once again, this is simply another personal perspective.Jun 19, 2023Jun 19, 2023
The World Through Indonesian Perspective: VietnamIndonesia’s latest TikTok trend presents an intriguing concept: ‘If I haven’t visited [a city or a country], I wouldn’t have discovered…Jun 16, 2023Jun 16, 2023
Miskonsepsi Umum tentang Konsep Dasar Deep Learning di IndonesiaKetika membicarakan tentang konsep dasar Deep Learning maupun Machine Learning, saya banyak menemui adanya kesalah-pahaman di kalangan…Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Fighting Her Demon — Part 1: IntroductionBeing an INTJ female sucks. Do you think that we are proud of putting up our MBTI personality type on our bio?Dec 22, 2021Dec 22, 2021
The Missing Link of The Real World PreparationIn high school, we were always told to be prepared for university. Teachers would say, “University would be a lot different from high…Jun 12, 20211Jun 12, 20211
Drama Korea dan Kenyataan dibalik Pahitnya Dunia Start UpSiapa sih yang tidak kenal drama korea berjudul Start-Up yang sangat ngetren saat ini. Mungkin banyak orang yang berfokus pada kisah cinta…Nov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020